
Bennet Kelley internet lawyer divorces wife while she is battling stage 3 cancer #WandaJRudd #GoFundMe

 Bennet Kelley just when you think he cannot go any lower he divorces his wife Wanda J. Rudd while she is under treatment for Stage 3 Breast Cancer.   Bennet Kelley then leaves her penniless with no means to page for her medical treatments .   Wanda J Rudd's friends and even Bennet Kelleys Family start a GO FUND ME to help Wanda Rudd.   Wanda you need to file for all the faulty paperwork you left on defendants door step as a unpaid process server.   Bennet Kelley should have to pay for your services.

Bennet Kelley bad luck strikes for his lies and abuse of the court system. #CancerSucks #WandaJRudd

 Was the $200,000 worth it?   Karma coming at you like a boomerang.   Poor Wanda sucks having to be married to a man that has bad karma.    Bennet Kelley had the long haul covid for over 120 days bad Karma.    Its time to move back to Rhode Island  there is nothing in California for you not even a home.   Wanda suffers because of Bennet Kelley's abuse  of the legal system that is not fooling anyone.   Karma

Bennet Kelley Internet Lawyer loses every case he files, only makes up fake fantasy stories #BennetKelley #revengeporn #Karma

  one of the many fake websites he takes out on his victims to  try and cause harm .  what he did was destroy any chance of a career as a  "internet attorney" or famous writer or speaker.   Bennet Kelley is a failure at  everything in life he has attempted.    BENNET KELLEY needs a huge rear view mirror he has a lot of enemies.   Bennet Kelley is the king of online harassment  Los Angeles court systems know his games.  👀

Bennet Kelley From Internet Lawyer to Pot Peddler #BennetKelley

#PotAttorney #BennetKelleyPotHead Pot Head Bennet Kelley From Internet Lawyer to pot peddler 

Revenge Porn Model vs. Wanda J. Rudd, hit or miss? ugly & uglier? #MaryBass

creep 1  Creep 2 

First Huffington blog censors Bennet Kelley #FakeNews now Webmaster Radio #DanTynan #LegalHarassment

This is long overdue, The United States is tired of fake news and smear campaigns from the likes of Bennet Gerard Kelley who smears everyone from Defendant's family to President Trump.  Bennet Kelley doesn't decide who should be arrested or how our country decides it's laws or news.  CENSORING of Cyber Stalker Bennet Kelley - STFU DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU ON THE WAY OUT. 

Bennet Kelley no longer writes for the Huffington after smear campaign on Ajit Pai a #AjitPai #SmearCampaign

Last blog entry for Huffington was December 2017 some 10 months ago Has Bennet Kelley's Smearing and childish name calling of others finally caught up with #1 loser in USA? Bennet Kelley you are the ZERO